Being a Mom: Another kind of “Runnin’ Around.”

Some of you may or may not know that I am a mother to five kids.

A very proud mother 🙂

When I tell people that, I often get looks of shock (and not just because I still resemble a 16-year old),

16-year old me

Almost 30-year old me...need I say more :/

but because compared to normal standards, that is a lot of kids…and yes, at times it is. But, before you think that I am complaining, I want to make very clear that I absolutely LOVE being a mom, and would trade nothing in the world for it. The job does, however, come with its share of crazy “runnin’ around.”

Just yesterday, I had one of those days where I felt like that was all I was doing. Here is a rundown of what went on, if you don’t mind…(Oh, and keep in mind, we had just lost an hour to Daylight Saving Time)

 6 am: woke up and got ready

6:30: Woke kids up, bathed, dressed

7:00: Made breakfast (5 different things, mind you..only at breakfast am I a short-order cook)

7:30: Fixed everyone’s hair

8:00: Took 2 older kids to school and pick up folders from my son’s teacher

8:15: Went to the store/Got oil changed with 3 kids in tow (try price matching and using coupons with 3 kids under the age of 5…um, need I say more…)

10:00: Got home, unloaded groceries, cleaned kitchen, did 2 loads of laundry, got kids snack, stapled 35 homework packets together.

11:50: Went back to the school to eat lunch with 2 older kids (We do this on Monday’s as it is the only day that I don’t teach preschool). I got there just in time to hand the lunch money to my son…he was literally at the front of the line when I got there)

12:25: Put homework packets in cubbies (with 3 kids still in tow 😉 )

12:30: Let the kids play out at recess. They LOVE doing that! We even got to watch my oldest son play in a basketball game with his class!

1:00: Ran home to do a quick load of laundry, another load of dishes and a quick vacuum.

1:25: Picked the kids up from school, got them home to have a quick snack and TV time.

2:30: Went to the high school to meet dad so we could take turns doing our track work-outs (10X400 meters on the track+other mileage). The kids ran around and had a hoot the whole time! It was a lot of fun!

The rest of the day was relaxing at home, eating dinner, reading stories and going to bed.

…Sorry for the lack of pictures…there was no time to take any ;). I did, however, blog about my day a few years back, if you want to check that out:

A Typical Day at the Brown Residence

OKAY…so, this is not a normal day…but really not all that far off for me, or any mom, for that manner. I don’t know another mom out there that doesn’t feel like they are running around all day! WHICH brings me to my next point, or theory…

With all the running around that moms do EVERY day, I think that it is safe to say that most all you moms out there, are well on you way to being in 5k shape. So, try it! Go and add some “fun runnin’” to your runnin’ around!…I DARE YA!

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5 Responses to Being a Mom: Another kind of “Runnin’ Around.”

  1. hollyberrybrown says:

    so when did you have time to write this blog post!?

  2. Katie says:

    Very Cute! I always enjoy reading your blog. I’m not much of a runner, but I did recently sign up for the 178 mile Reno Tahoe Odyssey relay race that’s coming up in June. Right now I’m barely able to do a 5k consecutively….but I’ll get y 6-8 mile runs down soon enough:)

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